Wed nes day

Wed - 5:38 PM - Good Evening, Gamers, it’s been almost a week since last blog post, so I wanted to put something up again. I don’t really know what to say because nothing has been happening. I wakes up and go to sleep. Nothing much to differentiate the days other than the fact I’m really into playing Minecraft again for some reason. I haven’t looked at my meme stats at all since last post so let’s go over them.

YT - 1,816 views, 63 likes and my first comment war, Woo!

TT - 308 views. 29 likes, 3 favs

FB - 909 plays, 134 mins played, 10 likes, 1 follow (my first!)

Twit - 3 views, 1 like

IG - 3 views - (I should also note that my cute girl meme was liked by a meme page I follow yesterday! I was freaking out!)

So, what does this mean? Take the good with the bad, the only way we know something is good (or working) is to know what bad looks like and adjust accordingly. I’m going to be honest, I don’t know what direction to go in. Playing Minecraft reinforces the idea within me that if I know what I want to do and the steps to reach it, I would work go 12 hours straight to reach that goal. So, I’m going to be working on video ideas and hopefully put something out by the end of the month. See you next time, have a good day and I’ll see you later!



Yeah, I’m Solo 😎😥


Waning Interest