“Some Preworkout Should Do The Trick!”

Fr - 11:06 - Good morning Gamers and happy Friday! I’ve been up all night again trying to reset my sleep schedule, so I took that time to work out since I kinda missed my last session due to sleep, hehe. That’s how you know it’s SoloBlog™, when I talk about no sleep and working out. Anyway, I’m kinda curious about well yesterday’s meme is doing.

YT - No Views, Boss Walk is at 173 views and surprisingly, Dr O is at 705 views and 18 likes.

IG - 0 views, Boss walk 1 view but also surprisingly, Dr O is at 775 views and 68 likes!

TT - 227 views, 26 likes, and 6 fav, Boss Walk is at 226 views, 20 and 2 favs and Dr o is at 286 views, 12 likes and 1 fav.

Twt - 11 views and 1 like, Boss walk is at 7 views and 1 like.

FB - 381 plays and 26 minutes.

What does this mean? It means every piece of content you post never truly “dies” it gets added to an increasingly larger back catalog of content, people can always look at to find some type of enjoyment from! Anyways, I’m tired and I still have to make todays meme, so I’ll go cry in da corner!

Links: https://www.youtube.com/@solospaceman https://www.twitch.tv/solospaceman_ https://www.instagram.com/solospaceman_/ https://twitter.com/Solospaceman_


Livestream Blues


Night Owl