New Year, New Me - A Solo Story

11:47 AM - So, to start off, this was supposed to start on da 1st of January. However, my body had a different plan. TLDR: I overslept OK!!! Anyway, picture this. December 31, 2022, I wake up from my 9-hour sleep session (at 4 pm, I fell asleep at 6am, Demon hours) and continue my grind, as you will, into the new year. My family decided to pick up Applebee’s and ring in the new year. Cut to 12 AM, Happy New Year!! “Ok this is cool, I guess". JPEG So I go back to my computer and just play Minecraft to “think of new ideas”. Well, I thought up so many new ideas, when I looked at the clock it read 6AM. So, I went to sleep. I woke up at 7 PM on January 1st, 2023.

"Ok, I guess I’ll work out now” (This is NOT a new year thing, I work out every other day) and work out. Nice. Which leads to now. I’ve been up 16 hours and I haven’t even posted this new blog I’m doing! The sleep schedule reset happens TODAY. I spent pretty much all of December thinking about strategies to make this “internet” thing work out and I want to get better at typing/writing, and we already have this website so why not start a blog?

I’m going to be writing a new blog post every day in hopes of becoming a slightly better human being (lack of sleep talking) and (maybe getting some traction???) talking a little bit more about my thought process in this crazy world. Ok I’m done rambling, I’m staying up, making/posting this meme I’m supposed to have done (we’ll talk about that tomorrow :) and starting the new year right, PEACE!



Another Day…