…Another Meme
1:53 PM - Good Morning Gamers, this is exactly why I don’t like going to bed until after 10 PM. Before 9 PM, wake up at 4 AM, after 9 PM, wake up at 3 PM. I truly cannot fight my sleep because no matter what I do, I lose. Anyway, you’re not here to read about me complain, so what’s going on? Well, first our daily update on how the memes are doing. Yesterday I finally made an idea I had like 2 years ago, Lego Dr Octopus. I also posted it on way more platforms, Twitter and Facebook for example so how did it do?
On YT it’s at 386 views, 8 likes, one comment, new personal record! On Instagram it’s at, 399 views, 20 likes, also new personal record! On TikTok it's at, 277 views, and 12 likes. which is kind of surprising, the ODST one actually did better, it’s at 965 view, 82 likes, 11 favorites, 3 comments now, and got me two followers, weird. Now for the new guys, Twitter and Facebook. On TW it’s at, literally nothing :( On Facebook, it’s at, 196 plays, 17 minutes viewed and 0 likes. The ODST one is at 401 plays, 60 minutes viewed and 6 likes. The EinSam pages aren’t doing that well *eyes look side to side* “Oh well” *start crying river of piss* lmao.
So, what does this mean? It means people like to consume different types of content on different platforms, some memes just work better without a caption, some memes work better when they’re edited and not just a lazily taken movie clip with a caption over it. But I will continue to report da statistics in hopes it may help someone else someday……or not.
Links: https://www.youtube.com/@solospaceman https://www.twitch.tv/solospaceman_ https://www.instagram.com/solospaceman_/ https://twitter.com/Solospaceman_